General Servers Forum Help

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A bit about the project.

Cristalix — this is a game project dedicated to various entertainment servers based on Minecraft.

What's there to play?

Our project has tens of mini modes, as well as a number of servers with interesting modifications.
You can find more information on them (here).

Gaming Issues.
I got an unfair punishment!

In this case it's worth creating a topic in the section «penalty appeal» forums.
In the form, be sure to enter the nickname of the person who gave the punishment, attach a screenshot proving your innocence, and try to describe the situation in detail.

A player breaks the rules!

Create a thread in the forum "complaints against players," provide the nickname of the offender, attach a screenshot or video of the violation and describe the situation.

Staff breaks the rules!

Of course we trust our staff, but there are different situations.
If something like this happens, you should go to the forum in the "complaints against staff" section, create a topic, enter the nickname of the violator, attach a screenshot or video of the violation.

Problems with the paid services.

I made the purchase and it didn't happen!

If this is the case, you should contact the tech immediately.
support in our vk group or directly with the Administration.

My balance changed, although I did nothing.

Write your nickname in tech.
support in vk group and report it, we'll run a check.

Why wasn't my money restored after a wipe or fallback?

Unfortunately, some events, such as a wipe, usually don't include the recovery of spent money in order to maintain healthy competition between players.

I found an error, what should I do?

If you find a bug that doesn't impact the security of the server and players, report it to the appropriate thread on the forum.
If you found a critical bug on the server and you think it is impossible to write about it on the forum to escape mass exploitation, please inform the Administration personally.
You can find the developers' contacts in the staff list on the forum.

I would like to be part of your team.
How to become a moderator?

Before becoming a moderator, you need to be a helper or intern for a while.
If you want to join the Cristalix staff, please read the following introductory topic on the forum.

How to become a builder?

If you are sure of your skills and building skills, you can fill out the form to join the ranks of the project's builders.
All necessary information is on joining is, respectively, on the forum.

How do you become a developer?

No developer recruitment at this time.
However, if you have some unique skills and extensive experience developing projects in Java, write as much about yourself as possible in the group messages, we will review your candidacy and provide feedback.

This section doesn't answer my question!

It's impossible to answer all the questions a player has, BUT!
To your benefit, our project has its own forum, which figured in all of the above list of items.
In our forum you can ask all your questions in the appropriate topics.