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Become a Tycoon!

An exciting game mode where players can immerse themselves in the captivating world of mob farms and economic development. In this mode, you will create and develop your own farms specializing in various types of mobs. Each farm is a source of income, and the bigger and better developed your farms are, the more money you can earn. The game mechanics allow you to use your earnings to purchase new farms, improve existing ones, and increase their productivity.One of the key features of the mode is the rebirth system—a restart of your progress to obtain additional bonuses and accelerated development in the future. Rebirths allow you to unlock unique upgrades and opportunities that will help you in further development and enable you to reach new heights. Additionally, each player is provided with the opportunity for AFK-farming: your farms continue to generate income even when you are temporarily away from the game, making it less intrusive and more comfortable.By improving your farms and effectively managing rebirths, you can build a real empire and become the most successful mob tycoon in the world of MobTycoon!